It was a full day of excitment. My mother-in-law has been waiting 54 years or more to go through the temple. Well the day is here and so we are going to spend the day with her. About 27 of us, Family and friends went up to be with her. It was nice that my parents could go. Phyllis (my mother in law) got her endowments, and got sealed to her parents, her husband Al, and had 3 of their children sealed to them. It was an emotional time but a good time. We had several people help do this. My dad got to be in the sealing for my husband Phillip. I could feel that he was so excited about this. He had been waiting a long time. It is finally done. My husband has his parents for time, and all eternity. How exciting is that!!
After the temple some of us came back to my house and had dinner. It was really fun. There was about 30 people eating at my home so it was crowded. Some of Phyllis's grandchildren that aren't LDS came to the dinner too. The Grandchildren wrote letters in and we put them in an album for her. They all wrote and we put pictures of memories that she had with her grandchildren. It was a special time for her. I think that ment more to her than anything that evening. The whole day was wonderful and special. It was nice to have all of her loved ones together. She had 2 of her children at the dinner and 5 of her grandchildren and a lot of friends that wanted to congratulate her at the dinner. I even had a old young women's teacher Sis Matson that came, and we got to catch up on old times. I'm so glad that they all came. We missed those that couldn't make it. Hope that you will all visit soon. We know that life is full of busy things but remember that we love you and want you to come and visit soon. Family is important to us!!
We love Phyllis, Nana and wish her all the best all the time. We love you Nana!!
I hope you enjoy these pictures of the day!!