Wednesday, December 17, 2008

25 years!

Today would of been my 25th wedding anniversary. It is amazing how much has happened since that special day, when I married my husband Phillip. He has been gone for 22 years. And we have two beautiful daughters and two awesome grandchildren. My family and I are going to dinner tonight and celebrate our family that was started 25 years ago. It is bitter sweet this time of year for me. But this is a way that we can remember the special man that Phillip was, and how his family can share things about him. My mother-in-law will be with us and my girls like to ask us about their dad. This is a good healthy thing to do with my girls.

I miss him more than anybody will ever know. He was one that loved people for who they were not for who they were not. This is a special item that made people love him. It didn't matter what mood anybody was in, or what they looked at, or what they did for a living, if they went to college, or if they were mean to him. He loved them and hoped that they would have a great life. So this is a special thing. We all need to put this love into our lives.

I miss you!!!! Love you Phillip!!!!

Thursday, December 4, 2008


Yesterday evening, Brittney, her children and I went down and surprised Natasha. She had made a goal to sing a solo sometime in her life. And last night was the first time. It was nice. She worked hard on it and did a great job. I think that after we surprised her she was really nervous but we loved hearing her. Brittney said that she had never heard Natasha sing by herself and she was glad that she went.

After the fireside, we went to the Olive Garden it was super. I love that place. We all were pretty hungary by then. So it was fun. But I think this Grandmother and Mother isn't made to stay up this late. But all in all it was so fun to hide until and then walk in the chapel and surprise Natasha.

Jalayne my niece came and it was nice of her to support Natasha. It was fun to visit with her and she what she has been up too. Thanks for coming Jalayne.

What a fun night!!!! Thanks for going with me Brittney and Kids!!!

Monday, December 1, 2008


This picture was taken at the wedding reception we went to for my cousin!!! It was at a beautiful church out of Idaho Falls. They turned the church into a reception hall. It was nice! But this picture I just thought was so cute!!!!
These two just thought dancing was so fun. They didn't mind that we were all watching. What cuties!!!! I wish I could of got the picture better. But it still is fun!!!

Other fun pictures from this weekend.

This is a long post. I have done two tonight so scroll down and check all of it out ok!!!!

What a full week last week!!!!!

I worked until Wed. Then I thought oh Boy!!! I get a long weekend. But Thurs came and I blogged what my daughter and I did on that day. And then Friday, Natasha and I got a lot done and had a good day. My brother Cole came up and saw us from Friday - Sunday.

Then Saturday, was a big day. My little family got together and had dinner and decorated my house. My girls will never know how much I love it when they come and decorate my home. It is so nice not to do it a lone. They do such a great job. And it is fun to see how excited Trysten gets about the tree. This year I got some snowmen to put in my yard. They are so fun. I'm glad I finally broke down and got some. They are fun to see. The children around my house love them.

Sunday, I was asked to get a talk in the combined meeting for Relief Society and Priesthood. It was suppose to be in Indexing. I'm been doing this for the church for the last few months. I have done over 15000 names and feel pretty good about it. I love genealogy and have learned a lot about other members of my family. I have had a good time finding out things about people that came before us. What a great history lesson! I hope that you will try and learn from others in our past. And that you will check out genealogy. It is interesting. Any way out ward had a goal to index over 99,999,99 names before stake conference - last month we had hit. 66,666.66. So I'm sure that we are almost there. We picked this number because we are the 9th ward. So I hope that I will find out that we have hit the goal now. Jan. 14 is when we were suppose to hit it. So I think we will pass that. Any way, the talk went well and I'm glad it is done.

Well I hope all of you had a great Thanksgiving weekend. And if you are in my family don't for get to keep Brenda Kunz, Ryan Bindrup and Katelyn Evans in your prayers. These are people that are sick in our family and we need to remember them. Take care and you all keep in touch!!