Thursday, December 4, 2008


Yesterday evening, Brittney, her children and I went down and surprised Natasha. She had made a goal to sing a solo sometime in her life. And last night was the first time. It was nice. She worked hard on it and did a great job. I think that after we surprised her she was really nervous but we loved hearing her. Brittney said that she had never heard Natasha sing by herself and she was glad that she went.

After the fireside, we went to the Olive Garden it was super. I love that place. We all were pretty hungary by then. So it was fun. But I think this Grandmother and Mother isn't made to stay up this late. But all in all it was so fun to hide until and then walk in the chapel and surprise Natasha.

Jalayne my niece came and it was nice of her to support Natasha. It was fun to visit with her and she what she has been up too. Thanks for coming Jalayne.

What a fun night!!!! Thanks for going with me Brittney and Kids!!!

1 comment:

Jalayne said...

It was fun to see you guys, too!