Well this last seven days has been really crazy. After the Hill's party Natasha was in my basement and found a lot of water in the basement. It came from my water softner. So it is now time to get my basement redone. I hate this. Water, water every where. So now I'm working on the basement again.
My family drove down to Salt Lake on Friday night. We wanted to do some fun things while we were down there. We went to dinner at the Olive Garden in Layton. Of course, the food was good. But then we got to the hotel and I could not find my credit card. I felt sick. I had such a hard time. Natasha and I drove back to the Olive Garden, and with no help much from the manager of the Olive Garden, we looked out side all over. I could not believe it. So my son in law rescued me so we could get the keys for the hotel. And then my dad came over the next day and paid for the hotel. Thanks dad and mom. I broke a nail - it was a crazy weekend.
Saturday morning we went to Thanksgiving point and went to the dinosaur museum for Trysten. It was really fun. It was made for children - He got to play in sand and with dinosaurs in the water, then he got to dig for bones in sand. It was fun. He kept saying they were so big. He had a great time.
We also went to The Living Planet Aquarium in Sandy. It was really great. Not like ones down in California but for children it was great. They could touch some animals and the stingrays. It was great. You can have birthday parties there and get a membership to enjoy this place. Baylee could not get enough of one tank of fish. She is about 16 months old and her eyes would get so big and she would get so excited. So we will share some pictures of this interesting weekened.
Saturday night after the Clark party, Natasha, Casey, Brittney and Trysten went to Temple square and enjoyed the lights. Baylee and I went to my parents condo and stayed where it was warm. Baylee entertained my parents with getting into things that she wasn't suppose too. But we just followed her all around. It was pretty crazy. She just didn't want to play with anything that we wanted her to play with. She would walk up to things and tell us NO NO!! It was funny and then she would laugh and touch it anyway.. It was funny. But my parents I think enjoyed playing with her.
We got to have lunch on Sunday with Kevin, Jaclyn and Janine. My parents had gone to church before we could get a hold of them to tell them where we were going. But we got to talk to them afterwards. But we talked about memories of the children putting flour all over my basement when they were little. And putting cereal all over my family room. It was crazy but had good laugh about every thing.
Then my family had it's Christmas party. My parents had it at a English tea shop, it was a cute little place. We got a little culture with new kinds of foods. It was pretty good. We had sandwiches (little) and soup and it was pretty good. It was a new kind of Christmas party. But we enjoyed the new setting. We also celebrated my mother's birthday while at the party. It was fun to all be there for her birthday. As you can see by the pictures the little boys had a good time together. My mother talked about peace on earth and spreading love to each of us in the room, my mother does so good when she speaks to anybody. I wish I had her talent. I appreciated her sharing her thoughts on love and peace. Thanks, mom!!!
We got home last night about 8. I think we were all tired. But had a full weekend with family, food and fun. I will share a few pictures to give you a taste of the weekend. Have a great week and Christmas.
I guess Natasha has the rest of the pictures of our weekend. We will share them with you soon.
Love, Karen