Brittney and I took her children out to the cemeteries
yesterday. Trysten was really interested in most of the
people headstones. He would ask a lot of questions, why?
where are they? It was interesting to talk to him about
heaven, that his papa loves him and watches over him.
I think it is important for them to understand they have
others that love them. Also we went and saw some our
friends headstones. It was nice to remember them, and
things that we have learned about them. Some of their
families have had to be really strong. I hope more people
teach their children that remembering our loved ones
is important. Just a few pictures of us out there. Baylee
was so cute. She loved telling us the pretty colors of the
toys and flowers. We will be going back out to take
flowers. We also want to thank Uncle Bob for cleaning all
the headstones. He takes care of them every year. We
should all tell him. Thanks!!!!