This weekend started off with Joy giving me some candies that were called mini candy fish. And from
there the weekend just got more fishier by the day.
We had a great time. We went up on Saturday
morning. Hang out at the cabin for a few hours just
talking and
giving Penny a tour of the cabin. Then we went to West and
had dinner. While at dinner we surprised Penny with
some fun little presents for her birthday. Then off to the play
at the Playmill. It was really fun. It was called the Foreigner
and it was great!! We laughed till we were almost sick.
Penny got sung too because her birthday
was coming up. Joy got pulled up on stage and really did
good. I wish that I would of got her pose on stage right then.
But after the play we stayed after and got some poses with
some of the guys. It was fun.
Then we went back to the cabin and while it rained hard
we sat around the table and talked for a while. Then moved
to Penny's room and talked some more. Then went to bed.
We all slept in that was really nice. We had lunch, watched a
really weird movie, cleaned up the cabin and came home. It
was a great two days. We hope to do it again but stay up
there longer. It was really relaxing.