I could not believe it when I woke up and saw snow. I was leaving to go visit Natasha in Logan. I went down to see her and go to the Women's Conference with her. It was fun. We did shopping, watching movies and meeting some of her friends. She has one friend that is so positive and happy-her name is Emily. If you get on Natasha's blog you will see the pictures we took last weekend. It got nice of course on Sunday. I had to come home.
But now she is coming this weekend. We are going to a wedding reception for a friend of Natasha's, the Poky - Highland game tonight. I think it is interesting that one of my girls went to Highland and one went to Poky. I went to Highland but our family will sit probably with the Poky side. Brittney and Casey will save sits for us. Even thou it is raining and snowing on Saturday, Natasha, Trysten and I are going to the parade. Brittney is the assistant coach at Hawthorne Middle School for cheerleading - so she will be in the parade with the girls from there. Then lunch - then watch conference. Sunday, watch conference and then have lunch with my whole family. I'm glad that we are going to be all together. Have a great weekend. Pictures will follow next week I'm sure.