Thursday, April 3, 2008

Hard few days!

A few days ago Trysten was playing really hard in my house. All the sudden we heard him yelling real hard. I picked him up and he was holding his foot. No tears but just yelling. Brittney held him for a while and then the tears started coming. He just hurt so bad. So we jumped in the car and took him to the doctor. Well to make a long story short, he broke his leg. It was just a weird accident. He was behind my chair so we could not see what really happened. So he is in a blue/red cast. It was hard for him and his parents for the last few days. They didn't put the cast on till last night. We just had to keep him playing and watching movies and other shows he liked. He was a trooper, but it was hard for him to understand why he couldn't walk and run. Maybe with the cast on it will give it support and he can at least move around so that he won't feel like he is in a cage. He will wear the cast for two weeks and then they will Xray it again and see how it is doing. It was c lose to the growth plate that they don't want to take any chances. So we are all helping keeping a two year old busy. But hopefully he will be happier to day when he is able to move around and can play with a few of his toys. I hope so and I know his parents hope so. But pray that his leg heals and that it is in good shape in two weeks. He is a good little guy and we are hoping for the best.


Kim said...

Poor guy! We hope he heals quickly!

Kev said...

Ouch! The poor little guy. :(
I hope he is feeling better. That's really bizarre. Was the car moving at the time? Or did he just twist it somehow?

Jalayne said...

That's scary that it's so close to the growth plate. Hope he's all better really soon.