Sara Burrell with Santa

Caroline and her girls and granddaughter

The McDaniel family

Bruce and Caroline Hemming

McKenna is the one that is blonde and has a purple bucket

McKenna is sitting by Jim in the teal

Lindsay and her dad

Cute little family Lindsay

Jamison I can't believe how big he is getting!!!
I'm at work and I don't know if I have pictures of my birthday people but I will check. It has been a hard week. I hope that everyone that knows the Bruce Hemming family, the Alvin McDaniel family and the Sara Burrell family has kept them in their thoughts. Caroline's Hemming funeral was yesterday - and Alvin McDaniel's funeral is Friday. So the Hemmings have a lot going on this week.
Sara Burrell after a heart attack is home and doing pretty good. I think that she could just use our support and thoughts. It is hard to be home and not being able to do anything when you are use to taking care of others. Hang in there Sara.
Now we have a few birthdays - Jamison Johnson (great nephew) Mckenna Skinner (cousin) and Lindsay Cook (cousin) I hope they all have an awesome day!!!!!!